AMD announces FidelityFX, Image Sharpening filter and Anti-Lag features

During its E3 2019 Next Horizon Gaming event, AMD revealed some new features that will be coming to its graphics cards. According to the red team, FidelityFX, Image Sharpening and Anti-Lag will be supported by its new GPUs; the AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT and the AMD Radeon RX 5700.

FidelityFX is meant to be a post-processing effect that will improve the sharpness of various surfaces. This may sound similar to an Image Sharpening filter, however games will need to natively support this feature otherwise it will not work. Still, for games that do not support FidelityFX, AMD will add a general Image Sharpening filter that can be enabled for every game.

AMD has also announced Anti-Lag. Anti-Lag basically reduces the input lag, something that will benefit those playing competitive games. The red team provided a graph in which it claims that the response input latency can be decreased by around 33% in APEX Legends and 35% in Fortnite.

These new features will be made available on July 7th when the new graphics cards will come out. The AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT will be priced at $449 and promised to be faster than the NVIDIA GeForce RTX2070. On the other hand, the AMD Radeon RX 5700 will be priced at $379.